ImagiNation Builders

ImagiNation Builders

Contact Us

About Us

We are a student-led organization dedicated to providing all children with the resources to pursue their STEM related dreams and encourage them to think deeper and be creative by introducing activities that push them to challenge their minds and critical thinking skills. Past projects include:

  • Providing free and accessible STEM-related activities through engaging presentations at Title 1 Schools.

  • Our community drives, which distribute STEM kits and resources,
    • To date, we have organized drives, distributing hundreds of STEM sets, with a total value of over one-thousand dollars.

  • Establishing summer camps at local libraries that are free of cost for students to continue STEM learning throughout the summer.

  • We have also established a YouTube channel where we will be posting a variety of STEM related videos suited for younger children to understand.

Interested in having us visit your schools? Reach our to us at

Group of girls working together on a sorting challenge

Two students after receiving their Legos from the family fair


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4th graders listening to a presentation

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Family Fair at which we distributed Legos

3rd graders listening to a presentation

Presentation at a Girls in STEM club at a local elementary school.

Meet the Founders

Hasset Bekele

Maria Peralta